The Downlinks tab allows you to configure and add downlinks. Once created, each downlink can be sent manually to the device.
To add a downlink, click on the Add Downlink button. The Add Downlink modal opens.
In the Name text box, enter a name for the downlink.
In the Comment text box, enter additional details about that downlink.
There are two options that you can enable by turning on the following toggle buttons:
Pass payload data to downlink - pass the last uplink payload to the downlink.
Activate after uplink - send the downlink after receiving an uplink.
The downlink payload can be configured using either the Default or Custom options:
In the Default tab, you can configure the downlink payload by providing suitable values for each data field. When you enter values, make sure that they are in the valid range and type.
These data fields appear in the Add Downlink model box only if they have been added to the device type under the Downlink Data. To ensure the correct functioning of the downlink, a valid downlink payload formatter must also be added to the device type under the Downlink Data.
Click on the Save button.
In the Custom tab, you can write a custom downlink payload decoder, for example, something like this.
Click on the Save button.
Once added, the downlink will be displayed in the Downlinks tab. Similarly, you can add more downlinks that can be used to control different functionalities of a device.
Click on the Send button to send the downlink to the device.
Last updated