Scatter Plot
The scatter plot widget displays the relationship between two numerical data fields, which is useful for identifying patterns, trends, and correlations between variables. Each data point is represented by a dot or marker on the graph. The horizontal axis typically represents the independent variable, while the vertical axis represents the dependent variable.
In the Widget options modal, configure the following settings:
In the Last from text box, select or type in the timeframe that you want to display data on the chart.
In the X axis data field drop-down, select the data field that you want to represent on the X-axis.
In the Y axis data field drop-down, select the data field that you want to represent on the Y-axis.
Click on the Plot color box and choose a color from the color picker for the data markers.
To add a color to the background of the widget, click on the Background color box and choose a color from the color picker.
Click on the Save button.
The resulting scatter plot widget looks something like this:
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