Global Dashboard
This section provides instructions on how to create global dashboards within the Widgelix IoT cloud platform.
The Global Dashboard allows you to create a centralized display of widgets, where each widget can be bound to a specific device to show relevant data. For example, if you want to display moisture from multiple devices, you can use separate chart widgets and bind them to each respective device.
In the left menu, click on the Global Dashboards.
If there are no global dashboards created within your organization before, the Create your first dashboard page will be displayed.
Click on the +Create Dashboard button.
If you have at least one dashboard within your organization, the Global Dashboard page looks something like this:
Click on the +Create button on the top-right corner of the page.
The Dashboard page will be displayed.
In the Name text box, enter a name for the dashboard to identify it within your organization.
When entering a name for the dashboard, note that spaces are not allowed. Instead, you can concatenate text using either a 'dash' or an 'underscore' character.
In the Description text box, enter a description for your dashboard that explains its intended purpose to users.
Click on the +Dashboard icon button and select an icon.
Click on the +Add Widget button and select a widget type from the Select Widget modal.
You can skip this step and add widgets later.
The Widget options modal will be displayed. It has two groups: Basic widgets and advanced widgets. The instructions for configuring each widget can be found on the Widgets page.
Unlike the Widget options modal you used when adding widgets to device types and devices, here you should first select the Device type, followed by the Device, and then select the Data field in the Widget options modal box. Other settings remain the same.
Click on the Add button to add the widget to the global dashboard.
Click on the Save button to save the dashboard.
You will be navigated to the Global Dashboard page. You can now see the newly added dashboard in the list of dashboards, along with its Dashboard Id.
Click on the dashboard name to view the dashboard. It has the following sections:
Dashboard name: displays the name of the dashboard.
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Dashboard: the dashboard tab displays all the widgets you added when you created the dashboard. You can add more widgets, edit, and delete the existing ones by turning on the Edit button. After editing the dashboard, click on the Save button to save the changes. Otherwise, your changes will not persist.
Settings: The settings tab allows you to perform the following actions:
Adding / Editing the dashboard icon: You can change the existing icon associated with the dashboard or add a new one by clicking on the Dashboard icon button.
Deleting the dashboard: You can delete the dashboard by clicking on the Delete button.
Alternatively, you can click on the respective delete (bin) icon in the global dashboard list.
The Delete dashboard model will be displayed.
In the text box, type in the exact name of the global dashboard.
Click on the Delete button.
The global dashboard will be deleted from the organization.
The Delete operation can't be undone.
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