
Widgelix enables building different types of solutions visually for specific use cases. A solution receives data inputs from various devices, processing them through various functions, and presenting outputs such as graphs, maps, reports, and more.

Creating a Solution

Creating a solution involves several steps that you have to follow. We assume you have already added device types and devices to the Widgelix platform and configured them to receive data from the network server.

In the left menu, click on Solutions.

If this is the first solution you are creating, the Create your first solution page will be displayed.

Otherwise, the Solutions page will be displayed, showing the list of previously created solutions.

On the Solution page, click on the +Create Solution or +Create button.

The Create Solution page will be displayed. It consists of the following tabs:


The About tab allows you to provide a name and description of the solution.

In the Name text box, enter a name to identify the solution within your organization. The name should not contain spaces; you can use a dash or underscore instead.

In the Description text box, enter a brief description of your solution.

Click on the Next button.

You will be navigated to the Flow tab.


With the Flow tab, you can build a solution visually by connecting different types of nodes together.

The palette contains all the nodes available for use, organized into several categories: Data Input, Functions, and Output. You can expand or collapse each category by clicking on its header.

Each category consists of one or more nodes that you can drag and drop onto the workspace, configure, and wire together:

Each node has a Settings button (cog-wheel) located in the top-right of the node. When you click or mouse over the Setting button, a small toolbar will expand downwards. It has three buttons:

  • Edit - allows you to configure the node.

  • Copy/Duplicate/Clone - allows you to make a copy of the node with the same settings.

  • Delete - allows you to delete the node.

Data Input

The Data input node acts as the starting point for each data flow. It allows you to retrieve data from one or more devices (even from the heterogeneous device types) and feed it into the flow diagram, enabling access to all the data fields from the connected devices.

Drag and drop the Data Input node onto the workspace.

Configure the Data Input node as explained below:

Click on the Settings button and then click on the Edit button.

The Data Input modal will be displayed.

In the first step of the Data Input model configure the following:

In the Name text box, enter a name to identify the node.

Click on the Time range text box and select a pre-defined timeframe from the list. You can also type any timeframe that is not on the list.

Click on the Device Type drop-down list and select the device type.

All the devices associated with the selected device type are now available in the Devices text box for your selection.

Click on the Devices text box and select the devices one by one that you want to add from the list.

If you want to add all the devices of a device type, you can select All.

Click on the + button to add more device types and their associated devices by following the same steps mentioned above.

Click on the Next button.

In the second part of the Data Input modal configure the following:

In the Device Type drop-down list select the device type.

All the data fields associated with the selected device type are now available in the Data Field dropdown for your selection. You can select only one data field at a time.

In the Data Field drop-down select the data field that you want to add.

Click on this + button if you want to add more device types and their associated data fields.

In the Output name text box enter an output Data Label to clearly describe your measurement, for example, 'Level'.

The Data Label you provided in each section is applied to the group of device types and their corresponding data fields.

Click on this + button to add another section if you want to create another output Data Label.

The following image shows the configuration for two output data labels.

Click the Save button to save the configurations.


The Functions category consists of the following nodes:

  • Filter

  • Path Builder

  • Marker

  • Change Rate

  • Custom

These Function nodes can be placed between the Data Input node and the other Output nodes, or you can feed the output from one function node to another function node as an input.


As the name implies, the Filter node filters the input data using the given threshold and labels the output data.

Drag and drop the Filter node onto the workspace.

Click on the Settings button and then click on the Edit button.

The Filter modal appears.

In the Filter model, configure the following:

In the Name text box, enter a name to identify the node.

Click on the Comparison drop-down and select the comparison (operator) that you want to apply. The following comparisons are supported:

  • Less Than - checks if the input value is smaller than the threshold value.

  • Less Than Or Equal - checks if the input value is smaller than or equal to the threshold value.

  • Equal - checks if the input value is equal to the threshold value.

  • Greater Than Or Equal - checks if the input value is larger than or equal to the threshold value.

  • Greater Than - checks if the input value is larger than the threshold value.

  • Not Equal - checks if the input value is not equal to the threshold value.

In the Threshold text box, enter the numeric value that will be used as the threshold.

Click on the Data Label drop-down and select a data label as the data feed (input data).

You assigned Output names / Data Labels when configuring the Input Data node.

In the Output name text box, enter a name that can be used to label the filtered data.

Click the Save button to save the configurations.

Path Builder

The Path Builder node allows you to configure the start and end points of a route. For example, it can be used as an input to generate the shortest path between two geographical points for a garbage truck to collect only the filled smart bins.

Drag and drop the Path Builder node onto the workspace.

Click on the Settings button and then click on the Edit button.

The Path Builder (Filter) modal appears.

In the Path Builder model, configure the following:

In the Name text box, enter a name to identify the node.

Under the Start Coordinates, in the Latitude and Longitude text boxes, enter the latitude and longitude of the starting position of the route, respectively.

Under the End Coordinates, in the Latitude and Longitude text boxes, enter the latitude and longitude of the ending position of the route, respectively.

Alternatively, you can click on the map icon to select the location from the map.

Click the Save button to save the configurations.


The Marker node allows you to apply a different icon and color to all the devices that fulfill the criteria set by the Filter node, instead of using the default icon and color. For example, you can apply a different icon and color to all the garbage bins that are full along a route, which helps you easily identify them on a map.

Drag and drop the Marker node onto the workspace.

Click on the Settings button and then click on the Edit button.

The Marker (Filter) modal appears.

In the Marker model, configure the following:

In the Name text box, enter a name to identify the node.

Mouse over the Map Marker button and select an icon from the menu.

Click on the color picker button and select a color for the icon that you have set.

Click the Save button to save the configurations.


The Output category consists of the following nodes:

  • Table

  • Map

  • Report

  • Bar Chart

These nodes allow presenting and visualizing data in a clear and understandable manner, enabling effective communication and analysis of information.


The Table node allows you to display the filtered data in a table along with ID, Device type, and Time.

Drag and drop the Table node onto the workspace.

Click on the Settings button and then click on the Edit button.

The Table modal appears.

In the Table model, configure the following:

In the Name text box, enter a name to identify the node.

Under the Columns, click on the Label drop-down and select the data label that you want to display in the table.

In the Position text box, enter the column position as a numeric value. The ID, Device type, and Time columns are fixed columns, and every additional column you add to the table appears starting from the 4th column, which is at position 0.

Click the Save button to save the configurations.


The Map node allows you to display a map on the dashboard based on the input data. You can input multiple data sets to display them on the same map. For example, the map can be used to simultaneously show filled bins along with the shortest route for collecting them, as well as the bins that are not yet filled.

Drag and drop the Map node onto the workspace.

Click on the Settings button and then click on the Edit button.

The Map modal appears.

In the Map model, configure the following:

In the Name text box, enter a name to identify the node.

The Map node accepts outputs from any other nodes as the data source. However, you must set geolocation for each device in order to display them on the map.

Click on the Save button to save the configurations.


The Report node allows you to generate a report which is a CSV file based on the input data.

Drag and drop the Report node onto the workspace.

Click on the Settings button and then click on the Edit button.

The Report modal appears.

In the Report model, configure the following:

In the Name text box, enter a name to identify the node.

Click on the Data fields text box and select the data fields one by one that you want to display on the report. If you leave this text box blank, the report will be populated with some default data fields.

Click on the Save button to save the configurations.

The link for downloading the report will display on the dashboard.

Bar Chart

The Bar Chart node allows you to display a bar chart based on the input data field.

Drag and drop the Bar Chart node onto the workspace.

Click on the Settings button and then click on the Edit button.

The Bar Chart modal appears.

In the Bar Chart model, configure the following:

In the Name text box, enter a name to identify the node.

Click on the Save button to save the configurations.

Wiring the Nodes

Every node has either one or two connectors: an input and an output.

Nodes under the Functions category accept data from the Data Input node or any other nodes under the Functions category.

Nodes under the Output category accept data from the Data Input node or nodes under the Functions category.

You can connect two nodes by drawing a wire between the input and output connectors.

Once you finish click on the Next button. You will be navigated to the Dashboard tab. The outputs that you configured with the Output nodes will be displayed on the dashboard.

Adding Widgets

The Dashboard tab allows you to add a few 'static' widgets to the dashboard that are not populated by data.

Click on the +Add Widget button.

The Select Widget modal appears. It currently has two widget types that you can select.


The WImage widget allows you to add an image to the dashboard such as the product image.

In the Name text box, enter the name that you want to use for identifying the widget.

Click on the image box, browse and select the image from your computer. Once you have selected the image, it will be displayed in the image box as a preview.

Click on the Add button to add the widget to the dashboard.


The WHeader widget allows you to add a header to the dashboard such as the dashboard title.

In the Name text box, enter the name that you want to use for identifying the widget.

In the Text text box enter the header that you want to display on the dashboard.

Click on the Add button to add the widget to the dashboard.

If everything is correct, click on the Save button. You can edit anything later if you want to change something.

Executing a Solution

You can execute a solution by clicking on the Execute button. The outputs that you configured with the Output nodes will be displayed in widgets on the dashboard.

Editing a Solution

Go to the Solution page and click on the solution that you want to edit in the Solutions table.

The Dashboard and Flow tabs can be edited by turning on the respective Edit toggle buttons.


In Edit mode, you can rearrange the dashboard widgets (generated by the Output nodes, WImage, and WHeader) by moving them around in the dashboard. Once you finished click on the Save button to save the changes.


In Edit mode, you can edit the existing flow chart by reconfiguring nodes, adding new nodes, deleting the existing nodes, and rearranging nodes and their positions in the workspace. Once you finished click on the Save button to save the changes.

Deleting a Solution

A solution can be deleted from the organization, and cannot be undone.

To delete a solution, click on the Settings tab and then click on the Delete button.

Alternatively, you can click on the respective delete (bin) icon in the solutions list.

The Delete solution model will be displayed. In the text box, type in the exact name of the solution.

Click on the Delete button.

The solution will be deleted from the organization.

The Delete operation can't be undone.

Last updated